July 27, 2024

Business Detect

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Investors report gov’t officials who take bribes says Museveni

2 min read

Ugandan leader Gen Y.K Museveni has called upon potential investors to always report Uganda government officials who at times seek bribes, cautioning them that punitive action will be taken against those caught and found guilty.

The president said ” we have launched a campaign against the corrupt. It is easy to root out this evil, the public hates them .All we need are facts,we discourage anyone who pays bribes. Don’t deal with Crooks”

Museveni made the remarks while addressing British company CEOs numbering 70 at the UK- Uganda business forum at the double tree Hilton Hotel in Central London.

The business forum was organised by the Uganda High commission supported by Lord Dollar Popat the UK trade envoy to Uganda.

The president while making a case for Uganda as an ideal investment destination noted that corruption especially by his government officials had become a bottle neck to development and the whip was being cracked.

The Longest serving leader in Uganda’s history said the identities of whistle blower would be protected if they felt threatened.

At the good reception, president Museveni received , he raised and asked the investors to tap in the agricultural sector, Juice processing, Maize and Cassava for Medical Products, Tea and Coffee Processing, he noted about Fish, Animal products, Dairy among others.

Museveni saluted Asian – Ugandans most of them were exiled mainly in the UK after Idi Amin expelled them. He challenged the 70 leaders of the British companies to find proper spectacles to help them see opportunities, just like the Chinese are doing.

According to reports the market include 42 million Ugandans and 170 million East Africans and the 390 million people of the Common Market for East and Central (COMESA) .

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