July 27, 2024

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FUFA’s Magogo unveils 3 billion state of Art storied building in Mengo

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FUFA’s Magogo unveils 3 billion state of Art storied building in Mengo.

Uganda’s FUFA president Moses Magogo has unveiled a new extension building at Fufa house in Mengo, Kampala.

The extension to the FUFA Headquarters at Mengo includes State of Art 3-storied building and a bungalow house sitting on approx 0.8 acres

Aerial view of the newly launched fufa project

This project is funded by the FIFA Forward 1.0 under the FIFA Presidency of Mr. Gianni Infantino costing about 800,000 USD in acquisition of the land and construction costs.

“We are delighted to host the first ever African and Woman FIFA GS Madam Fatmah Samoura to open the building,” says Fufa boss Magogo.

“We are further honored by the first visit of the new Sports Minister Hon Hamson Dennis Obua to the home of football.” Mr Magogo added.

Hamson Obua is the state minister for sports and one of the young ministers in president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s Cabinet

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