July 27, 2024

Business Detect

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URA Boss Doris Akol in Kikubo to listen to traders challenges

2 min read

URA Bos doris Akol in Kikubo to listen to traders challenges. Business Detect Media.

Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) Commissioner General Doris Akol downtown business area locally know as Kikuubo to maximum tax collection.

The meeting was arranged for Akol as a channel to listen to traders complaints. It was noted.

Akol’s visit was a sign to Kikuubo’s value as a major source of tax among Kampala business community.

Kikuubo traders told Akol that there are many people masquerading as URA employees, and collecting tax from them.

The act negatively affects traders as they spend much time explaining to these people to reach an agreement.

“Some people come and identify themselves as your employees from URA. They ask for money,” says a businessman.

Traders explained to Akol that impostors collects millions from them.

According to Kikuubo traders, these people threatened to close their shops after failing to raise money.

Commercial banks have woken up to the potential of the area, opening up branches that operate until late in the evening.

URA wants to collect as much tax revenue as possible from the area.

The meeting took hours to end and Ms Akol patiently listened to traders.

Speeking out their grievances and she could suggest solutions where possible.

“You are powerful and we need to work together,” Ms Akol praising Kikuubo traders.

“very vibrant, very busy, and a lot of activity going on here. We must work together for the betterment of our country” She said.

Kikubo Traders Association chairman Mafende Jatham, said it would take more than just occasional visits from URA staff to have traders appreciate and pay tax.

“We want to have your (URA) staff more this side to sensitize us and train us in such things as book keeping,” says Mr Mafende.

Traders also had other issues that they wanted the tax body to look at.

Mafende says traders find problems with URA’s network on the e-tax system.

On the money traders pay to impostors, Akol told traders that no one should pay cash to anyone who claims to work for URA, saying that the tax body’s money is only paid through bank accounts.

Akol advised traders to use commercial banks in their are to pay URA taxes and avoid paying money to individuals in cash

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