July 27, 2024

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Mimi De Boss , a top socialite 2021 is lit

1 min read

USA based Ugandan socialite Mimi the Boss Chic in yet another 2020 start off in a new trend.

The Ugandan top socialte is based in the USA.

Loaded Mimi the Boss boosts of a medical degree from the Trump land. Up

She’s taking over as the top Ugandan social queen.

The boss her self is cementing her name on the social scene as the new boss lady.

Mimi the Boss relaxing at her crib

She has helped various vulenable groups in Uganda through her charity organizations, savelifeforlife.

Mimi the Boss siting room.

And when it comes to spending she is always at her game.

Mimi relaxing in her latest Benz series

Whisper Eye media camera caught up with her at one of cribs in the USA .

Mimi De Boss Chic rocked Chicago in 2019 and by see of things 2020 will be lit.

The Massachusetts based is indeed the new thing to talk about.

Whisper Eye

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