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The Ultimate CEO Guide to beating COVID-19 – in your pocket

3 min read

During times of crisis, the right decisions and execution can have a decisive influence on the survival of businesses, which is why 10X-e has launched the COVID-19 Leadership Field Guide for CEOs

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, May 8, 2020/ — With most small businesses losing between 30% and 100% of revenue after government sanctioned lockdowns to slow the spread of the coronavirus, the ability to lead with clarity and confidence is likely to determine survival. But leading like that in a turbulent and very uncertain world feels unrealistic for most small, medium and micro-sized enterprise (SMME) leaders. To assist CEOs and founders of small businesses with the practical resources that they need to lead their businesses through this time of crisis, 10X Entrepreneur (10X-e) (www.10x-e.africa) has launched the Covid-19 Online Leadership Field Guide (https://bit.ly/3dt26T0) – a comprehensive, free, end-to-end virtual journey designed specifically for business leaders, replete with downloadable tools and templates.

Download – COVID-19 Online Leadership Field Guide: https://bit.ly/2Ln5K5f

Download – Invitation to COVID-19 Scenario Planning: https://bit.ly/2YLDLUy

The online platform is also supported by direct, interactive sessions scheduled weekly with seasoned leaders, allowing CEO’s to pose their specific questions to veterans ‘who’ve been there’.

Initiated by 10X-e founder and CEO, Jason Goldberg, the online field guide is a free and open platform for businesses across Africa.

“CEO’s are inundated with free tips, webinars, and advice on how to deal with the crisis, all of which creates a messy cloud of wisdom and aids that are hard to prioritise and execute on. Our goal is to turn that daunting cloud into a simple, step-wise journey that gives you what you need, when you need it, so you can focus on one thing at a time – the right thing for now – with the confidence that you have access to the very best practical guidance and tools. We’re providing the tools and expertise on self-leadership (because your ‘inner game’ is your biggest lever to shift your fortunes in this crisis), team leadership specific to the challenges you’ll face in this crisis, scenario planning, liquidity management, human resources, contracts and customer management, to name a few”, says Goldberg.

Business leaders who are determined to navigate this crisis will benefit by having a clear picture of the road ahead, and the steps to take along the way. The platform addresses complex issues that are unique to the Covid-19 crisis and, through the high impact interactive sessions, 10X-e will provide additional high-touch guidance to those who need more engagement.

With support from First National Bank (FNB) who funded the building of the platform, ENSafrica and many other content contributors, the Covid-19 Online Leadership Field Guide will remain an open platform, available free of charge to Africa’s entrepreneurial leadership teams. Through this platform, 10X-e aims to help businesses survive, come out the other side of this crisis, grow and ultimately scale impact by assisting business leaders to navigate this crisis with wisdom and skill.

To explore the Covid-19 Leadership Field Guide and to register for the interactive sessions, click here: https://10x-e.africa/leadership-field-guide

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