July 27, 2024

Business Detect

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Joel Cox Ojuko calls meeting at EOC- pronounces self acting Chairperson as he receives stiff resistance from staff

3 min read

Joel Cox Ojuko calls meeting at EOC- pronounces self acting Chairperson as he receives stiff resistance from staff.

Joel Cox Ojuko at loggerheads with other EOC big shots over what they have termed as greed, sadism and hypocrisy.

Our sources at the Commission indicate that he is now attacking the Chairperson of Equal Opportunities Commission Sylvia Ntambi directly unlike in the past when he used to do this in closed door meetings at Nyumbani Hotel in Kikoni.

The Equal Opportunities Commission wars at the Bugolobi based Authority are not yet to end.

10 officials of the EOC have been charged under the Anti- Corruption Court following Lt Col Nakalema investigations.
The 9 were charged last year and last month the new DPP amended the charge sheet and added the EOC chairperson Sylvia Ntambi as accused number 10.

She was charged in absentia and she is yet to take plea of the charges against her due to her poor health as her lawyers communicated to court .

Amidst all this confusion and uncertainty, the Vice Chairperson has officially written to the technical team of the Commission indicating that he is the new chairperson of the authority.

Mr Jox immediately communicated to the acting Secretary to the Commission in a letter copied to all Commission members and it’s department indicating that he is now performing the duties of the chairperson of the commission.

Jox Cox Ojuko a lawyer by profession is in serious discussions with elements with fat unsigned tenders with EOC behind the destruction of the Sylvia Ntambi since he indicated in his letter the reasons why he deserves to be the chairperson as the current chairperson who is only appointed by the president was charged under the anti corruption court.

While communicating this at a Commission meeting he himself called at the Bugolobi based authority, staff members reacted negatively towards Cox intentions to appoint self acting chairperson.

One staff name withheld told off Mr Jox Cox Ojuko that this was not the time to fight wars.

However the EOC Act also does not indicate that incase the chairperson is temporary removed from office then the vice chairperson should become the acting chairperson.

This has created debate at the authority as many EOC staff members say Jox is behind the woes of his boss and other EOC staff officials who were charged basing on mere allegations from a whistle blower.

One staff was heard saying how would Jox Cox Ojuko immediately want to perform the duties of his boss without any official communication from the president who has the authority to direct on the matter. He is behind the destruction of EOC one staff member said!

The woes started when a whistle blower wrote to the president and state house anti-corruption unit over corruption related matters under EOC.

Ntambi had before reported several life threatening incidences to the police for investigations however to date nothing had materialized.

Last month Ms Sylvia Ntambi refused to sign a multi-billion annual rental deal with Kingdom Kampala owned by the Ruparelias.

According to some EOC staff officials this could have been the centre of her troubles because since her refusal to approve 207 millions shillings taxpayers money for a monthly fee of rental offices at the lavish Kingdom Kampala she started getting numerous threats.

In just days the DPP had already amended the charge sheet to include Sylvia Ntambi .

Many questions have been raised on how Sylvia who is not the accounting officer of the EOC would be charged with obtaining money to defraud from the commission without any credible evidence on table .

Some staff who preferred to remain anonymously at EOC told Business Detect that all these charges at EOC against the chairperson was all thumped up to bring her down.

One official told Business Detect that a DPP charging an authority chairperson of embezzling 9 million shillings is laughable.

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