July 27, 2024

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Strange Disease Kills Hundreds of Chickens in Omoro

1 min read

Poultry farmers in Omoro District are counting losses following a reported outbreak of unknown ailment that has claimed hundreds of birds in the last two weeks. The most affected are poultry farmers in Lakwana, Aremo and Bobi Sub Counties.  

Albino Ogwang, one of the affected farmers in Aremo says he has lost up to 102 hens, which he expected to earn him Shillings 5 million. Mercy Nyana, another poultry farmer based in Lakwana reveals that she lost over 50 birds to the bizarre ailment. She says she was expecting to make at least Shillings 2.5 million from the sale of the birds.

Walter Akena, a chicken dealer in Bobi says the business is facing uncertainty because of the outbreak of the disease. Akena implored agricultural extension workers to quickly investigate the disease and recommend appropriate interventions. Francis Okot, the Bobi Sub County Agricultural Officer told URN that he wasn’t aware of the disease since farmers haven’t brought the matter to his attention.  

Walter Lukwiya, the Omoro Town Council LC 3 Chairperson revealed that the sudden disease was reported to his office by some poultry farmers, and they have forwarded the matter to District authorities for intervention.

Attempts to get a comment from Martin Aliker, the Omoro District Agriculture Officer were futile as he couldn’t be reached on his known mobile number. The farmers say an infected bird presents with loss of feathers, general inactivity, droplets from the beak and nose, watery droppings and shivering among others symptoms.


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