July 27, 2024

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Dfcu gives in, vacates Dr Sudhir buildings

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Dfcu gives in, vacates Dr Sudhir buildings

Kampala city mogul Dr Sudhir Ruparelia is celebrating as DFCU Bank embarks on vacating his buildings.

DFCU Bank on Friday night kicked off the process of exiting 22 buildings of Meere Investments.

A business company owned by city tycoon Dr Sudhir.

DFCU bank occupied these buildings since taking over Crane Bank in fraudulently sale.

The sale was challenged by Dr Sudhir and won a court case.

With orders to regain his buildings, and bank.

One of the legal battles include the illegal occupancy of buildings which formerly houses Crane Bank.

In a notice, DFCU informed its clients that the bank remains closed until February 3 and relocating to a new home.

“We hereby inform you that our Kampala Road Branch will be relocating to its new premises effective Monday 3rd February’, reads the notice.

The notice further informed DFCU customers that the Branch will remain closed for two days on Friday 31st January and Saturday 1st to enable us to relocate to new premises.

The Bank will be closing other branches housing former Cranes Bank buildings in the relocation exercise.

DFCU has been occupying 22 buildings which belong to business mogul Dr Sudhir Ruparelia and his Meera Investments Limited since it took over defunct Crane Bank in 2017.

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